Thursday 14 June 2012

JOUR1111 Lecture 12: The Final Countdown!

So, here we are at the end of a semester that simultaneously feels like it's dragged on forever, and taken no time at all. Let us finish this particular story!

The last lecture was interesting, but it didn't really seem to have toooo much to do with the course itself, so I will admit to not paying as much attention as I probably should have. No offense intended to guest speaker Steve Molk.

It was definitely inspiring to hear from someone who had started out as just a casual blogger, but was now making his way into the big leagues. It gives me hope for my silly little blog! That said, my blog has almost 500 views now, which is kind of pathetic in a way, but also pretty good considering that I don't put as much effort as I'd like to into this thing, and that the views are spread out across ELEVEN COUNTRIES OH MY GOD WHAT?! I'm very curious to find out how all my international viewers found me! However it was, it's really cool that so many people seem interested!

This first semester of University has been awesome. I really liked this course, and especially the blogging side of things. I think it's a pretty clever way to make a course more immersive, and makes assessment almost fun!

I feel that JOUR1111 has given me a great beginner's insight into journalism as a whole, as well the various forms of media that exist, be it television, radio, online, or printed. I'm also a lot more knowledgeable about the differences between public and commercial media, and what those differences actually mean. Finally, there's agendas to be uncovered, investigations to be conducted, and ethics to observed.

Or not.
I'm really glad I decided to do Journalism. There's so much knowledge that I've picked up over the past five or so months through this course, and it's definitely helped me to understand the world we live in a little better. If only I paid attention all the time! But hey. Nobody is perfect, and I took in as much as I could regardless.

So, to wrap up the official, assessed part of this blog, JOUR1111 has been a great course, and I'm really looking forward to my next semester of Journalism. A big thank you to Bruce, my tutor Marie and the other tutors for all the effort they put in to teaching us over the semester. It's been great.

And with that, I bid thee farewell!

P.S. I'll definitely keep going with the blog. Only now I can say naughty words. Yay!  

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