Wednesday 7 March 2012

Act 1: A Poor Introduction

My name is Mitchell Eckert. Welcome aboard.

Tonight, with an audience that I'm fairly certain consists solely of me and any imaginary friends I may or may not have, I learn how to do this blogging thing. To be honest; it's scary and confusing, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm slightly depressed by how empty this page seems. Also, what is a 'gadget'?

Ah well. I'm sure I'll learn how to make things pretty and whatnot. Or I won't, and my blog will just have to stay plain and simple. Fortunately my magnetic personality, sharp wit and winning smile should suffice to keep the minds of any future readers well away from such trivial details!

As to the point of this blog, it has been brought into existence as part of my assessment for JOUR1111: Intro to Journalism & Communication, a course I recently began studying at the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland. The basic idea is that I post reflections on my lectures here, and also my assignments, at such a time that they are due. Personally, I think that's pretty cool! As methods of handing in assignments go, at any rate (I understand if anyone believes that this is, in fact, the opposite of cool).

Anyway, back to Uni in general. So far, I am really enjoying the experience. Major difference to high school, to be sure, but a good kind of difference. I'm an individual now! Yay! That said, while it is nice to have anonymity, it's still a shock to walk into a lecture theatre that seats more people than were in my entire Grade 12 cohort!

I'm also really happy with my courses so far. Although I don't like to play favourites, POLS1501: Intro to Peace and Conflict Analysis is currently standing head and shoulders above the crowd. I'm not saying that my other courses are worse or anything similarly horrible, just that POLS1501 is resonating with me more. But who knows; that could easily change in the near future.

Anyway, I'm now out of things to say. I'm sure I'll come up with something fantastic tomorrow. Hopes, dreams and stuff about me, or like, whatever. Hopefully someone reads this before then, or else I might cry like a small child who just lost their favourite toy.

I am incapable of dealing with grief.

Ciao ciao!         


  1. I know it's kinda wierd that I'm commenting on your blog and I dont know you, but I was just having a flick through a few other people's blogs to see if I'm on the right track and this made me laugh :) you have 1 unimaginary reader!! :P

    1. Haha, you're not alone; I stalked every blog I could find because I was paranoid I was doing mine wrong :P
      I'm glad I amuse though! Hahaha :)
