Sunday 11 March 2012

Blogging is hard. Or is it?

Tonight I have nothing constructive to talk about. I promised myself I would start using this blog for its intended purpose as of tomorrow, and starting early would make me a liar. Which is totally not cool.

This is the first image that popped up when I searched 'intended purpose' in Google Images.
Further results were even more confusing.

Instead, I'm going to talk about how hard it is to blog. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure some of you are really good at this. You probably know how to add links and gadgets and so on without the whole thing exploding in your face. I respect, envy, and live in fear of your technical prowess.
All those things I just mentioned are probably really easy. I'm just really lazy, suspicious of new things, and technologically impaired. Don't laugh, it's a serious condition! But seriously (ha), I'm just not good at blogging. Readers of my previous post may be aware that I promised a follow up post the day after. That was on Wednesday. According to my calander, I have fallen slightly behind. Hey, breaking promises, I should be a politician!

I don't have a good reason for not writing another post. I think it was a mix of writer's block, a short attention span, and a slightly unreasonable fear of messing up so hard that I actually ruin my blog.

Now though, I've managed to write a few paragraphs AND find a random picture in the space of ten minutes! I may have been wrong in my opinion of the difficulites posed by blogging. Writing this was easy!

However, this is a random rant about nothing in particular. I now present my improved viewpoint: It's easy to blog, but it's harder to blog well. In that respect, practice makes perfect. By putting off my blogging, I make it harder to actually learn how to do it properly.

Anyway. Done rambling for now. To all you successful bloggers, I wish you further success! To those who are in the same boat as me, we can do it!

All my love,



  1. This made me laugh, so maybe you're doing better than you first thought?

    1. Ah, thank you! Could have been a fluke though, you never know!
